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  • Misdiagnosis
  • Late diagnosis
  • Inappropriate management after diagnosis
  • Medical errors are pervasive


1970s MYSIN expert system Identifying bacteria
1980s INTERNIST-1/
Quick Medical Reference
Internal medicine Bayesian network-like 1. Clinicians entered symptoms manually
2. Difficult to maintain
3. Difficult to generalize (prior probabilities will different across different parts of the world)
RX Project
1990s ANN 1. Did not fit well into clinical workflow
2. Hard to get enough training data
3. Poor generalization to new places

What has changed?

Data availability

  • Adoption of Electronics Records
  • Lab tests
  • Imaging
  • Vital signs
  • Genomics
  • Wearable sensors


### Standardization

  • Reports
  • Data storage
  • APIs



Machine Learning

  • Learning with high-dimensional features
  • Semi-supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Deep learning
  • Democratization of machine learning
  • Open-source software



Emergency department

  • Limited resources
  • Time sensitive
  • Critical decisions


  • Better triage
  • Faster diagnosis
  • Early detection of adverse events
  • Prevent medical errors
  • Recommend treatment pathway
  • Anticipating clinicians needs
  • Reducing needs for specialist consults
  • Automated documentation & billing
  • Predicting patient’s future disease progression
  • Continuous monitoring
  • Discovery of new disease subtypes
  • Design of new drugs
  • Better targeted clinical trials

What makes ML in healthcare different?

  • Life/death decisions, similar to Autonomous Driving
  • Need robust algorithms
  • Checks and balances required for ML deployment
  • Need fair & accountable algorithms
  • Lot of scope for unsupervised learning
  • Causal learning required: just prediction insufficient
  • Very little labelled data: need to use semi-supervised algorithms
  • Small sample size
  • Data quality issues
  • Varying time intervals
  • Missing data
  • Censored labels
  • Data sensitivity
  • Difficulty of de-identifying
  • Difficulty of deploying ML
  • Commercial electronic health record software is difficult to modify
  • Different standards used
  • Careful testing and iteration needed
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
