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Risk Stratification

Separating a patient population into high-risk and low-risk of having an outcome

  • Predicting something in the future
  • Goal is different from diagnosis, with distinct performance metrics
  • Fuzzy classification
  • Diverse data

Risk stratification drives interventions that target high-risk patients

Goal is to reduce cost and improve patient outcomes


  • Pre-mature infant’s risk of severe morbidity
  • Does this patient need to be admitted to coronary-care unit
  • Likelihood of hospital readmission


Traditional AI
Use readily-available data and feed into model
Pros Simple - Population-level
- Automated: Fits more easily into workflow
- Higher accuracy
- Quicker to derive
Limitations Manual
Not used as much as required due to high friction
Example APGAR Scoring system AI

APGAR Scoring system


Framing for Supervised ML


Why are gaps important? To avoid label leakage

Sparsity-encourage models

  • Easier to interpret
  • Helps deploy model to different clinics where they may not have access to all the data

How to get labels

  • Manual
  • Label patients’ data by “chart review”
    • Visualization of individual patient data time series
  • Automatic
  • Rule-based
    • Labels may get revised regularly based on standards
    • For eg
    • 2020: 200 units of sugar = diabetes
    • 2025: 100 units of sugar = diabetes
  • Machine learning to predict if the patient is “currently” diabetic

Based on

  • medications: may not have record of
  • purchase
  • intake
  • lab data


Positive Predictive Value
AUC-ROC image-20240528140311254
Calibration image-20240528142006704

Intervention-Tainted Outcomes

Form of Self-Selection Bias


  • Group A: Patients with Pneumonia with history of asthma
  • Group B: Patients with Pneumonia without history of asthma

Observation: Group A dies less often than group B



  1. Reason group A dies less is due to more intensive care
  2. Long survival time may be due to treatment


  1. Does this mean group A has lower risk? No
  2. Should we treat group A with less priority? No


  1. Remove such features from the model; not feasible for high-dimensional data
  2. Redefine outcome by finding a pre-treatment surrogate (such as lactate levels)
  3. Consider treated patients as right-censored by treatment


  1. Interpretable models are very important
  2. Causality modelling: Reframe question to “Will admission to ICU lower likelihood of death for patient”


Deep Learning for Risk Stratification

Not very big gains


Baseline is L1-regularized Logistic Regression, with good structural features

Sequential data in medicine is very different from language modelling

  • Many time scales
  • Significant missing data
  • Multi-variate observations
  • Not enough data to learn subtle non-linear interactions
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
