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Planning experiment to promote good decision making, with minimum cost

Counter-intuitive point: the best time to design experiment is after experiment is finished, especially the first time when you don’t know the underlying data-generating response process


Deliberate variation of one/more process variables while observing effect on one/more response variables

Experimental Design

  • Maximize information gain
  • Minimize resources (time and cost)

DOE is a procedure to plan experiments to efficiently provide valid conclusions

Does the experiment have enough statistical power to answer research questions?


  1. Define objectives of experiment
  2. Define inputs to the process

Types of Input Vars

Controlled & observed/
Direct control of experimenter Variation + repeats/replication experiments in a systematic way
Uncontrolled & observed/
Nuisance vars
Not controlled by experimenter, but measured - Blocking
- Analysis of covariance
Uncontrolled & unobserved Unknown to experimenter, but affects output response Randomization: Impact of variable averages out to 0


  • Exploratory work
  • Comparison: Choosing between alternatives
  • Screening: Selecting key factors that affect a response
  • Response surface modeling: Optimize given process
  • Hitting and control target response with minimum variability
  • Maximize/minimize response/goal
  • Increase process robustness
  • Prediction


Response Surface Methodology

Looks for quadratic/higher order trends

Assumes all variables significant

Quadratic response always has a stationary point (min/max/saddle point)

Can be used to optimize a process $$ y_i = \beta_0 + \sum_{i=1}^k \beta_i x_i + \sum_{i=1}^k \beta_{ii} x_i^2 + \sum_{i} \sum_{j>i} \beta_{ij} x_i x_j + u_i $$ One at a time




Orthogonality No collinearity/multi-collinearity of factors
Rotatability Variance of response at \(x\) depends only on distance of \(x\) from design center point, and not direction (ie, \(x_j\))

- All first-order orthogonal designs are rotatable
- Composite face-center design is not rotatable
Uniformity Control no of center points to achieve uniform precision, until \(\sigma^2_{y, \text{center}} = \sigma^2_{y, \text{extreme}}\)
Efficiency No of required experimental runs


  • Beware of extrapolation
  • Multiple responses
  • Overlapping response contour plots
  • Combined cost function
  • PCA can be useful

Pitfalls of DOE & RSM

  • Optimization of process without understanding the process
  • Design assumes a model, so there is no way to test model error as the model always fits
  • A quadric model will always show you an optimum point, but its accuracy depends on the accuracy of the model
  • Exponential data fir with a quadratic model will show an optimum that does not exist

DOE for Prediction

Goal: equalize the leverage of every point

Optimal design

Algorithmic approach to searching the design space and pick values of input vars in experiment to produce desired statistical properties

  • Smallest SE of model parameters and of predictions, for a given \(n\)
  • Smallest \(n\), for a given SE of model parameters & predictions


  • Model must be specified ahead of time
  • Range of each input var must be specified ahead of time
  • With multiple input vars, there can be tradeoffs b/w parameter variances


Design Use when Advantage Disadvantage \(\text{SE}(b_1)\)
Space-Filling Evenly spaced out \(x\) or \(y\) check whether the model is correct Intuitive
Can verify model
Wasted opportunity cost of SE image-20240619201100709 \(\sqrt{3 \times \dfrac{n-1}{n+1}} \times \dfrac{\text{RMSE}}{\sqrt{n} \left( \dfrac{x_\max - x_\min}{2} \right)}\)
Dumbbell - half data points at the lowest \(x\) value
- half data points at the highest \(x\) value
structural model already known Lowest SE of parameters Cannot verify structural model image-20240619201053103 \(1 \times \dfrac{\text{RMSE}}{\sqrt{n} \left( \dfrac{x_\max - x_\min}{2} \right)}\)
Equal-Thirds - ⅓ highest
- ⅓ middle
- ⅓ lowest
Compromise between space-filling and dumbbell \(\sqrt{\dfrac{3}{2}} \times \dfrac{\text{RMSE}}{\sqrt{n} \left( \dfrac{x_\max - x_\min}{2} \right)}\)


  1. Capacity for primary model
  2. Capacity for alternate model
  3. Minimum variance of estimated model parameters or predict values
  4. Except for simple cases, must search for optimal design
  5. Sample where the variation is
  6. For non-constant variance, \(n_i \propto \sigma_{yi}^2\)
  7. For curves, sample more in steep regions: Think about evenly-space \(y\) values rather than evenly-space \(x\) values
  8. Repeats and replication: To compute a model-independent estimate of process standard deviation
  9. Randomization and blocking
  10. allows detection of drift
  11. reduces influence of effect modifiers

What to optimize

Optimality Objective Uncorrelated Obs
Linear Model
Uncorrelated Obs
Quadratic Model
Correlated Obs (autoregressive)
Linear Model
Correlated Obs (autoregressive)
Quadratic Model
Min average variance of estimates of model parameters (trace of covariance matrix)
Min variance of predetermined linear combination of model parameters (selected subset of important parameters)
Min determinant of covariance matrix
Max determinant of information matrix
Dumbbell Equal-Thirds \(\approx\) equally-spaced \(x\) \(\approx\) equally-spaced \(y\)
Max the minimum eigenvalue of information matrix
Min multi-collinearity
T Max trace of information matrix
G Min the maximum \(h_{ii}\)
Min maximum prediction variance
Min average prediction variance over design space
Min average prediction variance for \(m\) specific points

Information matrix \(= X^T X\)


Repetition Replication
Duplication of experiment on some data with same experimental run Repeated experimental runs where entire procedure is repeated independently at a different time
Each replicate is subject to same variability, but independently
(ie complete block)
Include all sources of variation ❌ ✅
Example Repeat generation of one data point through five “readings” to independently assess variability
Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
