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Why is energy special?

  • There should be equilibrium between power generation and consumption
  • Transportation and distribution performed on power network, with specific physical rules
  • Storage is uneconomical
  • Large part of energy demand is of critical nature (hospitals, residencies)
  • Consumers should not differentiate origin, quality and nature of production


Regulated De-regulated
Prices determined by Regularity body “Invisible hand” of market
Structure Vertical integration Horizontal restructuring
Supplier Fixed Multiple
- Competition

Chile > UK > Scandinavia > California (crisis, shortage, Enron)


Grid Operators TSO (Transmission System Operator) Operates transmissions assets
Responsible for power balance on transmission system
DisCo (Distribution Company)
DSO (Distribution System Operator)
Operates distribution grid
Often acts as retailer (not preferable)
Producers GenCo (Generating Company)/
IPP (Independent Power Producer)
Owns production assets
Generation is offered through energy market
Intermediary Retailer Buys energy from wholesale electricity market
Sales to end-consumers
Consumers Household (small)/
Industrial (large)
Use energy for various purposes
Large consumers may be allowed to directly participate in whole electricity market
Regulator Market design
Curb misbehavior (collusion, power abuse)
Operator Organizes and operates energy market
Definition of bid products & forms
Set up & maintenance of trading platform
Daily matching of supply and demand offers


Monopoly image-20240408115024152
Purchasing Agent image-20240408115141082
Wholesale Market image-20240408115320054
Retail Market
Consumer-Centric Peer-Peer Model
Supplier-Centric Consumer-Centric
Characteristic Hierarchical Decentralized
image-20240408113917925 image-20240408114037615



Capacity For system operator to ensure that sufficient generation capacity is present for reliable system operation in future year and at competitive prices
Energy Central place for optimal scheduling and settlement of energy exchanges
Ancillary Service Any type of service that supports power system operations, directly bought by system operator
- Primary reserves
- Secondary reserves
- Tertiary receivers (manual)
- Black-start capability, short-circuit power, reactive reserves, voltage control


Market Meaning
Futures Financial contracts with time horizons unto 6 years
Used for price hedging and risk management
Day-ahead/Spot Central instrument for everyday matching of electricity supply and demand
Balancing Close to real-time operator for system operator to ensure power system balance
Intra-day Continuous trading platform between day-ahead and balancing
Allows to correct original schedules (when plant outages/changes in wind power generation)



Variable energy demand
“Duck Curve”
Renewable energy generation is variable and non-dispatchable
Renewable energy generation is hard to forecast

Economic impact of renewable energy

Wind and solar energy induces a downward pressure on market prices

Quest for Flexibility

Flexibility is seen as ability to adapt to variable and unforeseen changes in operating conditions

  • Generation units
  • Power system
  • Demand side
  • Integrated energy systems view (heat and gas energy systems)

Traditional vs Renewable

Traditional Renewable
Producers Fossil fuels Wind
Fixed Production ✅ ❌
Fixed Demand ❌ ❌
Cost distribution Demand Demand

Probabilistic matching rather than regular price matching

Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
