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Drivers of Flexibility

Factors affecting flexible design vs immediate decision

Factor Comment Against Flexibility Comment For Flexibility
Benefits of Scale Cheaper to produce at large quantity Benefits not attained when set-up is under-utilized, which is common when set-up is made for larger capacity than requirement
Discount Rate Cancels out benefits of scale
Future investments are better in terms of NPV
Learning Efficiency improves with time & experience
Competitive Gaming

Manne’s Analysis

Analytic solution for simple case of constant linear growth

Provides simple demonstration of issues, by giving useful insight into trade-offs


  • Optimal cycle time = most economical time between additions of capacity modules
  • Cycle time defines model size (years * annual growth)


  1. Higher discount rate \(\implies\) small size of modules
  2. High discount rates reduce present value of future costs, which counteract benefits of scale
  3. Smaller \(\alpha\) \(\implies\) Larger benefits of scale



Manne’s present cost versus cycle time

  1. Steep for small cycle times
  2. Quite flat at bottom for large cycle times

Learning Effects



Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
