Read - Takes Input, '$' sign for variables.
For Loops: Have two braces for Math Ops (())
While Loop Structure - do, (stuff), done
We use " | bc" for math operations.
Conditionals : if, elif, else, fi
grep : Will search and print matching.
7. sed : To replace.grep -iwE "the|that|then|those" # i - To search case-insensitive. # w - To ignore case. # E - To compare as an extended regex, to allow use of "|" grep -v "that" # v - Will show invert of what you're searching.
sed 's/the /this /1' #Space to avoid words like "therefore" sed -e 's/thy/your/ig' -e 's/Thy/Your/ig' -e 's/tHy/YouR/ig' #To replace mutliple words with one # -e is for editing sed -e 's/thy/{&}/gi' #Make it highlight in curly braces. sed -e 's/([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)/\4 \3 \2 \1/' #Back-Refrencing. #E - for extended regular expression
awk - For comparision and parsing.
awk '{ if ($4 == "") print "Not all scores are available for "$1}' Variable out of the "". awk '{ if (($2 >= 50) && ($3 >= 50) && ($4 >=50)) {print $1" : Pass"} else {print $1" : Fail"}}' awk '{ total = ($2 + $3 + $4)/3 if (total >= 50 && total< 60) print $1,$2,$3,$4, ": C" else if (total >= 60 && total < 80) print $1,$2,$3,$4, ": B" else if (total >= 80) print $1,$2,$3,$4, ": A" else print $1,$2,$3,$4, ": FAIL" }' awk ' BEGIN {count=0} { printf "%s %d %d %d", $1, $2, $3, $4 count++; if (count%2 == 0) printf "\n" else printf ";" } '
while read country do countries=("${countries[@]}" "$country") done echo "${countries[@]}" # First one is array, second one is element being added to array. while read country do countries+=($country) done echo "${countries[@]:3:5}" #Sliced while read country do if [[ "$country" != *a* && "$country" != *A* ]]; then countries+=("$country") fi done echo "${countries[@]}" # Filterting on the basis of letter. while read line do elements+=(i) done echo ${#elements[@]} # counts - "#"
while read lines do echo "$lines" | cut -c3 done # Cut a specifc character. while read lines do echo "$lines" | cut -c 2,7 done # Cut multiple characters. while read lines do echo "$lines" | cut -c 2-7 done # Cut a range of charavters. while read lines do echo "$lines" | cut -d $'\t' -f 1-3 done # -d : only takes one character so use 'X' while read lines do echo $lines | cut -c 13- done # Print from X character to the end. while read line do echo "${line}" | cut -d ' ' -f 4 done # 4th Word, delimeter is ' '.
Head and Tail:
tr and sort : tr replaces, sort sorts (lol)
tail -n 20 # Last 20 lines. tr '()' '[]' # Replace. tr -d "(a-z)" # Delete all lower-case characters. tr -s ' ' # Squeezes spaces. sort -f # Sorts in alphabetical order, -f ignore case. sort -r # Sorts in reverse alphabetical order. sort -n # Sorts in numerically ascending order. sort -n -r # Sorts in numerically descending order. sort -r -n -k 2 -t $'\t' # -r : For reverse order # -n : numerical sort # -k: column ordering # -t : tab separted indicator
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