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# from scipy.optimize import minimize

from jax.scipy.optimize import minimize
import jax.numpy as np

Gradients of fun are calculated automatically using JAX’s autodiff support when required.

Speed Up Existing Implementation

import jax.numpy as np
from jax import jit, value_and_grad

def costFunction(weights):
   # reshapes flattened weights into 2d matrix
   weights = np.reshape(weights, newshape=(100, 75))

   # weighted row-wise sum
   weighted = np.sum(x * weights, axis=1)

   # squared residuals
   residualsSquared = (y - weighted) ** 2

   return np.sum(residualsSquared)

# create the derivatives
obj_and_grad = jit(value_and_grad(costFunction))

minimize(obj_and_grad, x0=startingWeights.flatten(), jac=True)

Or take the diff using jax.diff

  • Provide the jac & hessian to the minimize function

Use jax.scipy

o.minimize(fun, x0, args=(), *, method, tol=None, options=None)
Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
