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09 Collision Handling

Collision Handling

eliminates collisions in hashing

Collision Search Complexity Disadvantage
Separate Chaining array with \(N\) buckets pointing to linked lists \(O(n)\) memory wastage
Linear Probing \((i + j )\% N\) \(O(1)\) clustering
Quadratic Probing \((i + j^2) \% N\) some elements may not be able to stored
Double Hashing

Problem with probing is the possibility of full bucket

  1. Compute \(i = h(k)\)

  2. Start at array cell \(a[i]\)

  3. Probe consecutive locations until

return case
not present empty cell

something more

Double Hashing

use a secondary hash function \(d(k)\)


\[ \begin{aligned} h(k) &= k \% N \\ d(k) &= q - k \% q \\ \end{aligned} \]


  1. \(q\) is prime and \(q < N\)
  2. \(N\) is the no of elements

Bucket Placement

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{index} = \Big( i+ jd(k) \Big) \% N \\ i &= h(k) \\ j &= 0, 1,\dots \end{aligned} \]

Load Factor

\[ \lambda = \frac{n}{N} \]
  • \(n\) is the no of keys
  • \(N\) is the no of buckets

Load Factor should preferably be \(\lambda < 0.75\), or atleast \(\lambda < 1\)


Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
