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08 Memory

Principle of Locality

Programs access a small proportion of its address space at any time. This exhibits locality.

Spatial locality Temporal locality
Meaning Load clusters of related data into cache Recently-used data
Example - Multiple elements in a loop
- Sequential instruction access
- Global variables from global region of memory
- Instructions of a loop

Data can only move between 2 adjacent levels

Register is highest level; Tertiary memory is lowest memory

flowchart LR

CPU <-->
Register <-->
L1 <-->
L2 <-->
L3 <-->
PM[Primary<br />Memory] <-->
SM[Secondary<br />Memory] <-->
TM[Tertiary<br />Memory]

subgraph Cache


Memory Performance

(Cache Line)
Unit of copying
Consists multiple words
Hit Event of data requested by processor being present in upper level
Miss Not a hit
Hit Rate/Ratio Fraction of memory found in upper level
Miss Rate/Ratio \(1 - \text{Hit Ratio}\)
Hit Time Time to access the upper level + time to determine if access is hit or miss
Miss Penalty Time to replace a block in upper level with the corresponding block from lover level
AMAT Average Memory Access Time
\(T_\text{avg} = T_\text{cache} + (m*\text{Miss Penalty}) + (m*T_\text{memory})\)

Cache Memory

L1 cache can be located on CPU Chip

Cache Operation

flowchart LR

start((Start)) -->
1[Retries RA from CPU] -->
2[Is block containing RA in cache] -->

Types of Access

  • Regular access
  • Irregular access

Direct Mapped Cache

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Total no of bits} &= 2^n \times \Big( \text{Block size + Tag Size + Valid Field Size} \Big) \\ \text{where } n &= \text{No of bits to represent cache lines} \end{aligned} \]

Cache Line Table

Let \(s\) be address bus size (number of bits to represent main memory address)

Cache Line Main memory blocks held
\(0\) \(0, m, 2m, \dots, 2s-m\)
\(1\) \(1, m+1, 2m+1, \dots, 2s-m+1\)
\(m-1\) \(m-1, \dots,\)

Memory Addressing

Tag Line number/Index Line/Byte offset
Purpose Distinguish block from other blocks that can fit into a cache line Specify one of the \(m=2r\) blocks of main memory Identify unique word/byte within line of cache memory
Bits Most significant \(s-r-w\) bits Next most significant \(r\) bits Least significant \(w\) bits

No of cache blocks \(= 2^something\)

\[ \begin{aligned} &\text{No of index bits} \\ &= \text{No of bits for Total Cache Size} - \text{No of bits for Offset} \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} &\text{No of tag bits} \\ &= \text{No of bits for Total Memory Size} \\ & \ -\Big( \text{No of bits for Index} + \text{No of bits for Offset} \Big) \end{aligned} \]

Tags & Valid Bits

Initially valid bit = 0, when you boot up the computer

Address Subdivision Diagram

Take from slides

Reading from Cache

  1. Search the index
  2. Check validity
    • If valid, check the tag
    • If equal tag, mark as hit
    • If invalid, mark as miss

Fully-Associative Cache

Writing to Cache

LRU Replacement

✅ No calculation happens, so it is efficient and faster

Reading from Cache

❌ Comparison of all bits happens, so it is inefficient and slower

  1. Check validity for all valid lines
  2. If valid, check the tag
  3. If invalid, add new element in first-come-first-serve order

Set Associative Cache

Combination of Direct Mapped Cache and Fully-Associative Cache

Particular block address is mapped to a particular set

'\(n\)-way associated cache' means each set has \(n\) blocks, where \(n \in \{2, 4, 8, \dots \}\)

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{No of sets } N &= \frac{\text{Total no of blocks}}{n} \\ &= \frac{1}{n} \times \frac{\text{Cache Size in bytes}}{\text{Size of each block in bytes}} \end{aligned} \]

No of bits for set index = \(2^N\)

\[ \text{Mapped Set} = \text{Address } \% \ N \]

LRU Replacement





Dirty block something


If the same data is accessed again, there is overhead of checking queue also, just in case

LRU Replacement

Least Recently-Used

We have to implement a data structure to keep track

  • doubly linked list
  • hash map
Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
