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12 Indexing


We are trying to improve searching performance

B+ Tree Indexing

Internal nodes contain indices

Leaf nodes contain values


  1. Dynamic
  2. Faster than other forms of indexing


flowchart TB
x --- a[< x] & c[&#8805 x]



IDK Formula
Order \(n\)
Min No of Children/Pointers \(\left \lceil \dfrac{n}{2} \right \rceil\)
Max No of Children/Pointers \(n\)
Min No of Keys \(\left \lceil \dfrac{n}{2} \right \rceil - 1\)
Max No of Keys \(n-1\)
Middle element \(\left \lceil \dfrac{n}{2} \right \rceil\)th element


If there are 2 middle elements, we push the bigger one to the top.


Minimum element of the right subtree will go up; basically the element next to the deleted element in the bottom linked list

If the key goes less than the minimum key, then we have to borrow the

  • maximum element of the left side, or
  • minimum element of the right side

if thatโ€™s not possible, merge upward


Technique to store values in a more accessible form.

Hashing Type Technique Using
Open Chaining Linked List
Closed Linear

Load Factor

\[ \text{LF} = \frac{R}{} \]

where \(R\) means Records

Linear Hashing

Extendible Hashing

This technique is used to minimize the re-hashing costs in normal hashing, which arise due to collisions.

Component Meaning Memory
Hash Function
Hash Table Main
Bucket Bins that are formatted similar to B+ Tree Leaves Disk (Secondary)
Bucket Size max number of elements in the buckets
(will be given)
Depth Number of MSB bits required to differentiate Buckets

If local depth of filled page \(\ge\) global depth

  1. double the hash table size
  2. allocate space for an additional bin
  3. re-distribute filled page indices
Case Action
Local \(<\) Global
Local \(=\) Global double the hash table size
Local \(>\) Global 1. allocate space for an additional bin
2. re-distribute filled page indices

The number of combinations that will be connected to each bucket will be the remaining combination of the unused bits. For eg, \(01\) bucket will have 2 unused bits, so there will be 4 combinations


Very easy bro

The no of records will be the number of bits.


For large database, we need a lot of bits.

Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
