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Data can be anything. It depends on the data engineer on what the input and output data is

Data = results of measurement

  • Definition of measurand (quantity being measured)
  • Measurement value
  • number
  • unit

  • Experimental context

  • Test method
  • sampling technique
  • environment

  • Estimate of uncertainty

  • Measurement uncertainty: estimate of dispersion of measurement values around true value
  • Context uncertainty: uncertainty of controlled and uncontrolled input parameters
  • Metrology/Measurement model: science of measurement; theory, assumptions and definitions used in making measurement


  • Structured
  • Numbers
  • Tables
  • Unstructured
  • Audio
  • Image
  • Video


Collection of data in rows and columns

  • Rows = Objects, Records, Samples, Instances
  • Columns = Attributes, Variables, Dimensions, Features


  • Labelled has Target variable
  • Unlabelled does not have target variable

Data Collection


  • Motivation
  • Composition
  • Collection process
  • Labelling
  • Preprocessing
  • Uses
  • Distribution
  • Maintenance


Format csv
Domain healthcare
Keywords medicine, drugs
Type tabular
Rows 500
Columns 18
Missing % 5.2%
License MIT
Release Date Jan 2024
Time range: FROM Aug 2020
Time range: TO Dec 2020
### Means of data collection

Garbage-in, Garbage-out

  • Manual Labelling
  • Manually marking as cat/not cat, etc.
  • Observing Behaviour
  • taking data from user activity and seeing whether they purchased or not
  • machine temperatures and observing for faults or not
  • Download from the web


  1. Waiting too long for implementing a data set
  2. implement it early so that AI team can give feedback to the IT team
  3. Not all data is valuable
  4. Messy
  5. Garbage in, garbage out
  6. incorrect data
  7. multiple types of data

Types of Attributes


Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio
Absolute Zero
\(>, \ge, <, \le\)
\(-, +\)
\(/, \times\)
Type D D N N
Example - Colors
- Player Jersey #
- Gender
- Eye color
- Employee ID
- Ratings
- Course Grades
- Finishing positions in a race; 4star is not necessarily twice as good as 2 star
- Temperature units - 100C > 50C > 0C; 0C, 0F doesn't mean no temperature; 50C isn't \(\frac{1}{2}\) of 100C
- pH scale
- Age
- Kelvin - 0K is absolute absence of heat; 50K = half of 100K
- Number of children
  • D = Discrete/Qualitative/Categorical
  • N = Numerical/Quantitative/Continuous

Asymmetric Attributes

Attributes where only non-zero values are important. It can be

  • Binary (0 or 1)
  • Discrete (0, 1, 2, 3, …)
  • Continuous (0, 33.35, 52.99, …)

Characteristics of Dataset

Minimum Sample Size

To learn effectively

Structured: Tabular \(k+1\)
Unstructured: Image \(1000 \times C\)


  • \(n =\) no of sample points
  • \(k =\) no of input variables
  • \(C =\) no of classes


No of features


If majority of attributes have 0 as value, depending on the context


Detail/Frequency of the data (hourly, daily, monthly, etc)

Types of Datasets


Collection of records having fixed attributes, without any relationship with other records

Type Characteristic Example
Data Matrix All attributes are numerical Usually what we have
Sparse Data Matrix Majority of values are 0 - Frequency distribution kinda thingy for market basket data
- Document term matrix
Market Basket Data Every record of transactions, with collection of items - Association analysis market data


Type Example
Data objects with relationships Nodes(data objects) with edges (relationships) between them Google Search indexing
Data objects that are graphs Chemical structures


Relationships between attributes


Extension of record, where each record has a time associated with it.

Even this can be time series data, if recorded periodically.

Time Customer Items Purchased
t1 c1 A, B
t2 c2 A, C


Customer Time and Items Purchased
C1 \(\{t1, (A, B) \}, \{t2, (A, C) \}\)
C2 \(\{t1, (B, C) \}, \{t2, (A, C) \}\)

Sequence Data

Sequence of entities

Eg: Genomic sequence data

Time Series Data

Series of observations over time recorded periodically

Each record is a time series as well.

12AM 6AM 12PM 6PM
June 11 2020
June 12 2020
June 13 2020
June 14 2020

Spatial Data

Data has spatial attributes, such as positions/areas

Weather data collected for various locations

Spatio-Temporal Data

Data has both spatial and temporal attributes

Abu Dhabi Dubai Sharjah Ajman UAQ RAK Fujeirah
June 11 2020
June 12 2020
June 13 2020
June 14 2020

Issues with Data Quality

Issue Solution is to ___ data object/attributes
Improper sampling
Unknown context
Noise - Random component of measurement
- Distorts the data
Rare events
Obs that occur very rarely but it is possible Height of Person is 7’5
Spurious Obs
Known Distortion that can be removed Height of Person is -10
Wild obs/
Actual data, but very different from others
Extreme value of \(y\)
Depends Height of Person is 8’5
Leveraged points Extreme value of \(x\)
Influential points Outliers with high leverage
Removing the data point ‘substantially’ changes the regression results
Missing Values Null values - Eliminate
- Estimate/Interpolate
- Ignore
Inconsistent Data illogical data 50yr old with 5kg weight
Duplicate Data De-Duplication - Same customer goes to multiple showrooms


Attribute Type Interpolation Value Example
Discrete Mode Grade
Continuous Mean/Median
(depending on the situation)


Data can be structured/unstructured

  • Each column = feature
  • Each row = instance

Data Split

  • Train-Inner Validation-Outer Validation-Test is usually 60:10:10:20
  • Split should be mutually-exclusive, to ensure good out-of-sample accuracy

The size of test set is important; small test set implies statistical uncertainty around the estimated average test error, and hence cannot claim algo A is better than algo B for given task.

Random split is the best. However, random split will not work well all the time, where there is auto-correlation, for eg: time-series data

flowchart LR

td[(Training Data)] -->
|Training| m[Model] -->
|Validation| vd[(Validation)] -->
|Tuning| m --->
|Testing| testing[(Testing Data)]

Multi-Dimensional Data

can be hard to work with as

  • requires more computing power
  • harder to interpret
  • harder to visualize

Feature Selection

Dimension Reduction

Using Principal Component Analysis

Deriving simplified features from existing features

Easy example: using area instead of length and breadth.

Categories of Data

Mediocristan Extremistan
Each observation has low effect on summary statistics
Example IQ, Weight, Height, Calories, Test Scores Wealth, Sales, Populations, Pandemics
Law of Large Numbers Requires more samples for approaching the true mean
Mean is meaningless
Regression does not work
\(R^2\) reduces with larger sample sizes
Payoffs diverge from probabilities
It’s not just about how often you are right, but also what happens when you’re wrong: Being wrong 1 time can erase the gain of being right 99 times



Degree to which rare events drive the aggregate statistics of a distribution

  • Lower \(\alpha \implies\) Fatter tails
  • image-20240210111139587
  • Kurtosis (breaks down for \(\alpha \le 4\))
  • Variance of Log-Normal distribution
  • image-20240210111118533
  • Taleb’s \(\kappa\) metric
  • image-20240210111052050


Leverage points = data points with extreme value of input variable(s)

Like outliers, high leverage data points can have outsize influence on learning $$ h_{ii} = \dfrac{\text{cov}(\hat y_i, y_i)}{\text{var}(y_i)} \ h_{ii} \in [0, 1] \ \sum h_{ii} = k \implies \bar h = p/n $$ For univariate regression $$ h_{ii} = \dfrac{1}{n} + \dfrac{1}{n-1} \left( \dfrac{x_i - \bar x}{s_x} \right)^2 $$ High leverage points have lower variance $$ \text{var}(u_i) = \sigma^2_u (1-h_{ii}) \ \text{SE}(u_i) = \text{RMSE} \sqrt{1-h_{ii}} $$ image-20240610224730632

Hence, when doing statistical tests on residuals (Grubbs’ test, skewness, etc.) you should only use externally-studentized residuals

Internally Externally
Data all data are included in the calculation \(i\)th data point is excluded from calculation of \(\text{RMSE}\)
Formula \(\text{isr}_i = \dfrac{u_i}{\text{SE}(u_i)} \\ = \dfrac{u_i}{\text{RMSE} \sqrt{1-h_{ii}}}\) \(\text{esr}_i = \text{isr}_i \sqrt{\dfrac{n-p-1}{n-p- (\text{isr}_i)^2}}\)
Distribution Complicated \(t\) distributed with DOF=\(n-p-1\) for \(u \in N(0, \sigma_u)\)

Normalized Leverage

\[ \begin{aligned} h_\text{norm} &= \dfrac{h_{ii}}{\bar h} \\ &= h_{ii} \times \dfrac{n}{p} \\ \end{aligned} \]

William’s Graph

To inspect for both outliers and high-leverage data, plot the ESR vs Normalized Leverage



They are of concern, due to fragility of conclusions: our conclusions may depend only on a few influential data points

We just identify influential points: We don’t remove/adjust highly influential points

\(\hat y_{j(i)}\) is \(\hat y_j\) without \(i\) in the training set

Formula Criterion
\(n \le 20\)
\(n > 20\)
Cook’s Distance \(\begin{aligned} & D_i \\ & = \dfrac{\sum\limits_{j=1}^n (\hat y_{j (i)} - \hat y_j)}{k \times \text{MSE}} \\ &= \dfrac{u_i^2}{k \times \text{MSE}} \times \dfrac{h_{ii}}{(1-h_{ii})^2} \\ &= \dfrac{\text{isr}_i^2}{k} \times \dfrac{h_{ii}}{(1-h_{ii})} \end{aligned}\) \(1\)
\(4/n \quad \approx F(k, n-k)\).inv(0.5)
Difference in Beta \(\begin{aligned} & \text{DFBETA}_{i, j} \\ &= \dfrac{\beta_j - \beta_{j(i)}}{\text{SE}(\beta_{k(i)})} \end{aligned}\) \(1\)
Difference in Fit \(\begin{aligned} &\text{DFFITS}_{i} \\ &= \dfrac{ \hat y - \hat y_{i(i)} }{ s_{u(i)} \sqrt{h_{ii}} } \\ &= \text{esr}_i \sqrt{ \dfrac{h_{ii}}{1-h_{ii}} } \end{aligned}\) \(1\)
Mahalanobis Distance

Tidy Data

Also called long data

Characteristic Visual
Each variable has its own column
Each observation has its own row
Each value has its own cell
Last Updated: 2024-12-26 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
