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10 MuxDemux

Multiplexer (MUX)

also called as data selector

Combinational circuit

Digital switch

  • \(2^n\) inputs
  • 1 output
  • \(n\) selection lines


  1. servers
  2. multiple devices are connected to just a single server
  3. telecommunication

2-1 Mux

  • 2 inputs
  • 1 output
  • 1 selection line
S0 M
0 \(i_0\)
1 \(i_1\)

\(M = i_0 {s_0}' + i_1 s_0\)

4-1 Mux

  • 4 inputs
  • 1 output
  • 2 selection lines
s0 s1 M
0 0 \(i_0\)
0 1 \(i_1\)
1 0 \(i_2\)
1 1 \(i_3\)

\(Y = i_0 {s_0}' {s_1}' + i_1 {s_0}' s_1 + i_2 s_0 {s_1}' + i_3 s_0 s_1\)

8-1 Mux

  • 8 inputs
  • 1 output
  • 3 selection lines

16-1 Mux

  • 16 inputs
  • 1 output
  • 4 selection lines

Simplifying mux

  1. draw truth table
  2. Choose variable(s) as selection lines
  3. other variable(s) as mux i/p
  4. write the function in terms of the mux i/p (easier than drawing kmap)

Building Mux using smaller

  1. divide \(n_1\) by \(n_2\)
  2. no of muxes = sum of quotients

positions of s1 and s2 are important

MSD will be the selection line for the last mux

4x1 using 2-1

\[ n_\text{req} = 4 \\ n_\text{available} = 2 \\ 4/2 = 2, 2/2 = 1 \implies \text{no of muxes} = 2 + 1 = 3 \]

8x1 using 2-1

\[ n_\text{req} = 8 \\ n_\text{available} = 2 \\ 8/2 = 4, 4/2 = 2, 2/2 = 1 \implies \text{no of muxes}= 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 \]

8x1 using 4x1 and 2x1

two 4x1 and one 2x1

\(8/4 = 2; 2/2 = 1\)

16x1 using 4x1

\[ n_\text{req} = 16 \\ n_\text{available} = 4 \\ 16/4 = 4, 4/4 = 1 \implies \text{no of muxes}= 4 + 1 = 5 \]



De-multiplexer (De-mux)

it is a digital switch with

  1. 1 input
  2. \(n\) selection lines
  3. determines which output is connected to the input
  4. \(2^n\) multiple outputs


S0 D0 D1
0 i 0
1 0 i

\(D_0 = i {S_0}', D_1 = iS_0\)


s0 s1 D0 D1 D2 D3
0 0 i 0 0 0
0 1 0 i 0 0
1 0 0 0 i 0
1 1 0 0 0 i

\(D_0 = i {s_0}'{s_1}', D_1 = i{s_0}'s_1, D_2 = i s_0 {s_1}', D_3 = i s_0 s_1\)



Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
