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06 Planar Graphs

Planar Graph

  1. either the graph itself or at least one isomorphic form of the graph is a plane graph (can be drawn on a plane surface)
  2. no crossover of edges


  • Complete Graphs \(k_n\) \(n \le 4\)
  • \(Q_3\)
  • Bipartite graph \(k_{m,n}\) either \(m \le 2\) or \(n \le 2\)

Non-planar graphs eg

  • \(k_5\) and larger
  • \(k_{3,3}\)
    • find longest cycle
    • draw it as a circle


coloring, classification, analysis of graphs

Plane form helps identify different phases (connected regions) of a planar graph

Degree of Region

\(|R|\) = No of edges in the boundary of that region

cut edge is counted twice

Dual of Planar Graph

  • every region will become vertices of the dual, and vice versa if G is primal graph and G* is the dual,
    • \(|R^*| = |V|\)
    • \(|V^*| = |R|\)
  • if 2 regions have common boundary line, then the corresponding new vertices of the dual graph will get connected to each other


If G is a planar graph, then

  1. \(\sum deg(r_i) = 2|E|\)
  2. \(3|R| \le 2|E|\)
  3. if G is a connected planar graph, then \(|V| - |E| + |R| = 2\)
  4. \(|E| \le 3|V| - 6\)
  5. There exists a vertex v in G such that \(deg(v) \le 5\)

Euler’s theorem for planar graphs

\(|V| - |E| + |R|= 2\)

Polyhedral Graphs

connected planar graphs

  • \(deg(v_i) \ge 3\)
  • \(deg(r_i) \ge 3\)
  • using degree of region theorem,
    • \(3|V| \le 2|E|\)
    • \(3|R| \le 2|E|\)

eg: \(k_4, Q_3\)

Eulerian Graph

Graph with at least one Eulerian circuit

Eulerian Circuit Eulerian Path
Path Type closed open
passes every edge of original graph exactly once exactly once
passes every vertex of original graph at least once at least once
repeated vertices allowed allowed


  • All vertices are of even degree - both possible
  • Only 2 vertices are of odd degree and the rest are even degree - eulerian path possible not circuit
  • All vertices are of odd degree - both not possible

Hamiltonian Graph

Graph with at least one Hamiltonian cycle

Hamiltonian Cycle Hamiltonian Path
Path Type simple, closed simple, closed
passes every edge of original graph exactly once exactly once
passes every vertex of original graph exactly once exactly once
repeated vertices not allowed not allowed
when we have cut edge, possible? not possible possible

Dirac’s Theorem

A simple graph with n vertices \((n \ge 3)\) and \(deg(v_i) \ge \frac n 2\) has a Hamiltonian circuit eg: \(k_n, n \ge 3\)

this is not a necessacity for existence of hamiltonian circuit; the converse is not necessarily true eg: cycle of \(n\) vertices each of deg 2; there obviously is hamiltonian circuit even though dirac’s theorem isn’t satisfied

Dual graph

dual graph is a graph where the

  • vertices are the regions of primal graph
  • regions are the vertices of primal graph


If \(G(V,E,R) \implies G^*(V^*,E^*,R^*)\), where G is primal and G* is dual graph

  1. \(|V^*| = |R|\)
  2. \(|R^*| = |V|\)
  3. \(|E^*| = |E|\)
  4. \(deg(r_i) = deg(r^*_i)\)
  5. Dual graph is always planar
  6. there is a cut vertex placed in region \(r \implies\) you will get a self loop at \(v^*\) of G, where \(v^*\) represents the corresponding vertex of \(r\)

Graph Coloring

A coloring of a simple graph is the assignment of a color to each vertex of the graph such that no 2 adjacent vertices are assigned the same color.

Chromatic number of G

\(\chi (G) =\) the least number of colors need for coloring G


  • Star graph requires only 2 colors
  • \(k_n\) requires \(n\) colors
  • \(k_{m,n}\) requires only 2 colors
  • \(C_n\) (cycle of \(n\) vertices) requires
    • 2 colors when n = even
    • 3 colors when n = odd


For a planar graph,

The chromatic number is no greater than 4, ie \(\chi(G) \le 4\)

no proof for this

Coloring Rules

  1. \(\chi \le |V|\)
  2. a triangle/triangular subgraph \((C_3)\) requires 3 colors
  3. if some subgraph of \(G\) requires \(k\) colors, then \(X(G) \ge k\)
  4. if deg\((v) = d\), then d colors are required to color the vertices adjacent to v
  5. \(\chi(G) = max \{ \chi(C)\) where C is a connected component of G
  6. every \(k\) chromatic graph \((\chi(G) = k)\) has atleast \(k\) vertices such that the \(deg(v_i) \ge k-1\)
  7. For any graph \(G, \chi(G) \le 1 + \Delta(G)\) \(\Delta(G)\) is the largest degree of any vertex in G
  8. \(\chi(G) \ge \frac{|V|}{ |V| - \delta(G) }\) \(\delta(G)\) is the largest degree of any vertex in G

Properties of chromatic number

  1. \(k\)-critical graph is a graph where

    • \(\chi(G) = k\)
    • \(\chi(G-V) = k-1\)

possible only if \(\delta(G) \ge k-1\)

  1. G is 1-chromatic, then G is totally disconnected

  2. \(\chi(G) = 2 \iff\) G is bipartite graph \(\iff\) every cycle of G has even length

  3. otherwise it will be a triangular subgraph and hence \(\chi\) has to be 3

  4. \(\chi(G) \le \Delta(G) + 1\)

  5. For complete graphs, \(\chi(G) = \Delta + 1\)

  6. For other graphs, \(\chi(G) < \Delta + 1\)

  7. If G1, G2, … Gk are disconnected components of graph G, then \(\chi(G) = max\set{\chi(G_i)}\)

  8. Every tree with \(|V| \le 2\) is 2-chromatic

    • \(\chi(G) \ge 3 \iff\) G has a cycle of odd length
    • \(\chi(G) = 2 \iff\) G has no cycle of odd length (we already learnt this for bipartite graphs)
  9. Every connected k-connected graph contains a critical k-chromatic graph

  10. Only type of 3-critical graph is \(C_{2n+1}\)

Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
