Activation Functions¶
Name | Activation \(f(x)\) | Inverse Activation \(f^{-1} (y)\) | Output Type | Range | Free from Vanishing Gradients | Zero-Centered | Comment |
Identity | \(x\) | \(y\) | Continuous | \([-1, 1]\) | β | ||
Binary Step | \(\begin{cases} 0, &x < 0 \\ 1, & x \ge 0 \end{cases}\) | Binary | \({0, 1}\) | β | |||
Tariff/ Tanh | \(\tanh(x)\) | \(\tanh^{-1}(y)\) | Discrete | \([-1, 1]\) | β | β | |
Fast Softsign Tahn | \(\dfrac{x}{1 + \vert x \vert}\) | ||||||
ArcTan | \(\tan^{-1} (x)\) | \(\tan(y)\) | Continuous | \((-\pi/2, \pi/2)\) | |||
Exponential | \(e^x\) | \(\ln(y)\) | Continuous | \([0, \infty]\) | |||
ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) | \(\begin{cases} 0, &x < 0 \\ x, & x \ge 0 \end{cases}\) | Continuous | \([0, \infty]\) | β | β | β
Computationally-efficient β Discontinuous at \(x=0\) β Dead neurons due to poor initialization, high learning rate; initialize with slight +ve bias | |
SoftPlus (smooth alt to ReLU) | \(\dfrac{1}{k} \ln \Bigg \vert 1 + \exp \{ {k (x-x_0)} \} \Bigg \vert\) | \(\ln(e^y-1)\) \(k ?\) | Continuous | \([0, \infty]\) | β | ||
Parametric/ Leaky ReLU | \(\begin{cases} \alpha x, &x < 0 \\ x, & x \ge 0 \end{cases}\) | Continuous | \([-\infty, \infty]\) | β | β | All positives of ReLU | |
Exponential Linear Unit | \(\begin{cases} \alpha (e^x-1), &x < 0 \\ x,& x \ge 0 \end{cases}\) | Continuous | \([-\infty, \infty]\) | β | β \(\exp\) is computationally-expensive; though not significant in large networks | ||
Maxout | \(\max(w_1 x + b_1, w_2 x + b_2)\) | β | β | Generalization of ReLU and Leaky ReLU β double the no of parameters | |||
Generalized Logistic | \(a + (b-a) \dfrac{1}{1+e^{-k(x-x_0)}}\) \(a=\) minimum \(b=\) maximum \(k=\) steepness \(x_0 =\) \(x\) center | \(\ln \left \vert \dfrac{x-a}{b-x} \right \vert\) what about \(k\) | Continuous | \([a, b]\) | Depends on \(a\) and \(b\) | β | β \(\exp\) is computationally-expensive; though not significant in large networks β Easy to interpret - "probabilistic" - saturating "firing rate" of neuron |
Sigmoid/ Standard Logistic/ Soft Step | \(\dfrac{1}{1+e^{-x}}\) | \(\ln \left \vert \dfrac{x}{1-x} \right \vert\) | Binary-Continuous | \([0, 1]\) | β | β \(\exp\) is computationally-expensive; though not significant in large networks β Easy to interpret - "probabilistic" - saturating "firing rate" of neuron | |
Fast Softsign Sigmoid | \(0.5 \Bigg( 1+\dfrac{x}{1 + \vert x \vert} \Bigg)\) | ||||||
Softmax | \(\dfrac{e^{x_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^k e^{x_j}}\) where \(k=\) no of classes such that \(\dfrac{\sum p_i}{k} = 1\) | Discrete-Continuous | \([0, 1]\) | β | |||
Softmax with Temperature | \(\dfrac{e^{x_i/{\small T}}}{\sum_{j=1}^k e^{x_j/{\small T}}}\) | Discrete-Continuous | β | Exposes more βdark knowledgeβ |
Softmax with temperature¶
Why use activation function for hidden layers?¶
Else, it would just be regular linear regression/logistic regression, so no point of hidden layers
Not using activation function \(\implies\) using identity activation function
The only place identity activation function is acceptable is for the final output activation function in regression.
Linear Regression¶
flowchart LR
a((x1)) & b((x2)) -->
d((h1)) & e((h2)) -->
\[ \begin{aligned} \hat y &= w_{h_1 \hat y} h_1 + w_{h_2 \hat y} h_2 \\ &= w_{h_1 \hat y} (w_{x_1 h_1} x_1 + w_{x_2 h_1} x_2) + w_{h_2 \hat y} (w_{x_1 h_2} x_1 + w_{x_2 h_2} x_2) \\ &= \cdots \\ &= w_1 x_1 + w_2 x_2 \end{aligned} \]
Logistic Regression¶
flowchart LR
a((x1)) & b((x2)) -->
d((h1)) & e((h2)) -->
s(("σ")) -->
\[ \begin{aligned} \hat y &= \sigma(w_{h_1 \hat y} h_1 + w_{h_2 \hat y} h_2) \\ &= \sigma(w_{h_1 \hat y} (w_{x_1 h_1} x_1 + w_{x_2 h_1} x_2) + w_{h_2 \hat y} (w_{x_1 h_2} x_1 + w_{x_2 h_2} x_2)) \\ &= \cdots \\ &= \sigma(w_1 x_1 + w_2 x_2) \end{aligned} \]
Why is non-zero-centering bad?¶
Since Non-zero-centered activation function such as sigmoid always outputs +ve values, it constrains gradients of all parameters to be - all +ve or - all -ve
This leads to sub-optimal steps (zig-zag) in the update procedure, leading to slower convergence