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Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks is a type of architecture that exploits special properties of image data and are used in computer vision applications.

Images are a 3-dimensional array of features: each pixel in the 2-D space contains three numbers from 0–255 (inclusive) corresponding to the Red, Green and Blue.

The first important type of layer that a CNN has is called the Convolution (Conv) layer. It uses parameter sharing and applies the same smaller set of parameters spatially across the image.

Essentially the parameters (i.e. weights) associated to the input remain the same but the input itself is different as the layer computes the output of the neurons at different regions of the image.

Hyperparameters of conv layers are - Filter size - corresponds to how many input features in the width and height dimensions one neuron takes in - Stride - how many pixels we want to move (towards the right/down direction) when we apply the neuron again

Then we have the pooling layer. The purpose of the pooling layer is to reduce the spatial size (width and height) of the layers. This reduces the number of parameters (and thus computation) required in future layers.

We use a fully connected layers at the end of our CNNs. When we reach this stage, we can flatten the neurons into a one-dimensional array of features.

CNN diagram


We control output shape via padding, strides and channels

Very nice Youtube explanations. Watch this!


  • Universal visual feature extractor
  • Can be used as building blocks in conjunction with architectures such as RNN/FCNN for complex tasks


  • High computational cost
  • Large data requirements

Variables in this page

Variable Meaning
\(I\) Input matrix
\(i\) Size of input matrix
\(f\) Size of filter matrix
\(p\) Padding applied to input matrix (default=0)
\(s\) Stride length
\(n\) no of filters
\(c\) no of channels
- Grayscale: 1
- Color: 3
\(b\) Bias


  • Translation invariance
  • Locality

Types of Layers

Convolutional Layer Pooling Layer
Purpose Extracting spatially-invariant features

Control output shape via padding, strides and channels
Edge Detection
Image Sharpening
Gradually reduce spatial resolution of hidden representations
Some degree of invariance to translation
Image size reduction, without much data loss
Image Sharpening
Operation Cross-Correlation Pooling
$O = $
\(I \star F + b\)
\(\sum (I \star F + b)\) (multiple channels)
\(O_{i, j} =\) \(\sum_{k=1}^f \sum_{l=1}^f F_{k, l} \odot I_{i+k, j+l} + b\) \(\sum_{k=1}^f \sum_{l=1}^f \text{func}(F_{k, l} \odot I_{i+k, j+l})\)
Steps to
1. Perform padding
2. Start from the left
3. Place kernel filter over input matrix
(if there are multiple channels, place each filters over corr matrix)
4. Output value of one element = sum of products + Bias
(if there are multiple channels, then sum of product of all the channels result in one single value)
5. Perform stride rightward
6. Repeat steps 3-5, until there are no remaining columns on the right
7. Repeat steps 2-6, until there are no remaining rows on the left
1. Start from the left
2. Place filter over input matrix
3. Output value of one element = func(product of elements), where func = max, min, avg
4. Perform stride rightward
5. Repeat steps 3-5, until there are no remaining columns on the right
6. Repeat steps 2-5, until there are no remaining rows on the left
stride length
1 \(f\)
Size of
\(\dfrac{i-f \textcolor{hotpink}{+2p}}{s} + 1\) \(\dfrac{i-f}{s} + 1\)
When Applied First Only after convolutional layer
\(f-1\) 0
1 1
No of
input channels
\(c\) 1
No of output
\(n\) 1
No of
output channels per output image
1 1
\[ \text{Total output dimension } o' = o \times n \times c \]


  • Convolution and cross-correlation operations are slightly different, but it doesn’t matter if kernel is symmetric
  • Since images are of different sizes, instead of using weight matrix of fixed size, convolution is applied various times depending on size of input
  • 1 x 1 Convolutional Layer doesn’t recognize spatial patterns, but fuses channels
  • \(\times\) is not multiplication; it is depth/no of activation maps


The following shows convolution on with 0 padding and stride 1.


Convolutional Layer

Each filter in the conversation layer produces an “activation map”


Padding & Striding

Padding Striding
Meaning Number of extra row(s) and columns added around matrix
If \(p =\) odd, then pad \(\lceil p/2 \rceil\) on one side and \(\lfloor p/2 \rfloor\) on the other
Step length in movement of kernel filter on input image
Purpose Overcome loss of pixels, by increasing effective image size
Zero padding means padding using 0s

Common Filters

Application Filter Used
Vertical edges detection \(\begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 & -1\end{bmatrix}\)
Horizontal edge detection \(\begin{bmatrix}1 & 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -1 & -1 & -1\end{bmatrix}\)

Edge-Detection example




Object Detection

mAP = mean Average Precision



Advanced CNN

Major idea Region-Based Do not recompute features for every box independently Integrate bounding box proposals in CNN predictions
Steps 1. Generate category-independent region proposals (~2k)
2. Compute 4096-dimensional CNN feature vector from each region proposal
3. Classify regions w/ class- specific linear SVMs
1. Produce single convolutional feature map with several convolutional & max-pooling layers
2. Region of interest (RoI) pooling layer extracts fixed-length feature vector from region feature map
1. Compute proposals with a deep convolutional Region Proposal Network (RPN)
2. Merge RPN and Fast-RCNN into a single network
Advantages Simple
Improved mAP compared to RNN
Higher mAP
Single end-to-end training stage
No disk storage required
Cost-free region proposals
Disadvantages Slow
Multistage pipeline
Disk storage required for feature caching
Training is expensive
Proposals generation is computationally expensive
Flowchart RCNN Fast-RCNN image-20230402000936812


You Only Look Once

Single CNN

No proposal for bounding box

Treat this as a single regression (not classification), straight from images pixels to bounding box coordinates and class probabilities


  1. Residual block
  2. Input split into 7x7 grids
  3. Each cell trains a detector
    1. Detector needs to predict object’s class distributions
    2. detector has 2 bounding box predictor to predict bounding box and confidence scores
  4. Generate probability for each grid having an object
  5. Confidence Score = probability * IOU
  6. Bounding box regression
  7. IoU (Intersection over Union)
  8. Non-max supression

Non-Max Supression

Algorithm Non-Max Supression
    Input: A list of proposal boxes B, corresponding confidence scores S and overlap threshold N
        List of filtered proposals D

    select proposal with highest confidence score, remove it from B and add it to the fnal proposal list D
    Compare IOU of this proposal with all the proposal. If IOU > N, remove proposal from B

    more steps are there


Intersection Over Union


  • True bounding box be \(T\)
  • Proposed bounding box be \(P\)
\[ \text{IOU} = \frac{\text{Area}(T \cap P)}{\text{Area}(T \cup P)} \]


> 0.9 Excellent
> 0.7 Good
< 0.7 Poor
Architecture Name Description
LeNet-5 Recognizing handwritten digits
DenseCap Image captioning
GoogLeNet Inception Modules (Network inside a network)
SENet & SE-ResNet


Padding image-20240526124051958
Pooling image-20240526124109474 Aggregate information
Striding image-20240526124131588
Group together channels so that groups of channels in output only depend on corresponding groups of channels in input
Enforce filter weight matrices to be block-diagonal
Dilations image-20240526123852770 Dilate convolution filter so that it covers more of the image
Requires padding to ensure same size as input


Adjoint $$ \begin{aligned} \bar v \dfrac{\partial \text{conv}(x, W)}{\partial x} &= \text{conv}(\bar v, \text{flip}(w)) \ \bar v \dfrac{\partial \text{conv}(x, W)}{\partial W} &= \end{aligned} $$

Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
