Machine Learning¶
One of the hottest topics right now, covers foundational concepts related to the field of ML.
The first few topics are common to all aspects of machine learning.
- Machine Learning | Dr. Pranav | BITS Pilani Dubai Campus
- Modern Data Analysis for Economics
- Machine Learning From Data
- Machine Learning From Data | Prof Yaser Abu Mostafa | Caltech
- Machine Learning From Data | Rensselaer Prof. Malik Magdon-Ismail
- Machine Learning | Gary Holness | Clark University
- Machine Learning From Data | Uzma Mushtaque
- Machine Learning From Data | Course Handbook
- Quantum Machine Learning | University of Toronto
- Machine Learning | Stanford
Machine Learning| Andrew Ng Courseratoo introductory - Stanford CS229: Machine Learning | Andrew Ng | 2018
- Stanford CS229M: Machine Learning Theory
- Advanced Machine Learning | Sergey Plis | Georgia State University
- Online Machine Learning | IIT Bombay
- Machine Learning | mathematicalmonk
- MIT 9.520/6.860S - Statistical Learning Theory and Applications
- Statistical Learning with Python | Stanford Online
- Intro to Machine Learning and Statistical Pattern Classification | Sebastian Raschka
- Machine Learning | WQU Saul Leung
- Multimodal Machine Learning | CMU Fall 2022
- MLOps | Andrew Ng Coursera
- Machine Learning Yearning | Andrew Ng
- Advanced Machine Learning | Florian Marquardt
- Applied Machine Learning (Cornell Tech CS 5787, Fall 2020) | Volodymyr Kuleshov
- Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems | Kilian Weinberger | Cornell
- Applied Machine Learning | Andreas Mueller
- Probabilistic Machine Learning | Tübingen Machine Learning | Philipp Hennig
- Towards Bayesian Regression | Kapil Sachdeva
- Advanced Machine Learning 2020, CSE, IIT Kharagpur
- Introductory Applied Machine Learning | University of Edinburgh | Victor Lavrenko
- Gaussian Processes | Imperial College
- From Data to Decisions: Measurement, Uncertainty, Analysis and Modeling | Chris Mack | University of Texas
- Learning Theory | Se Young Yun
- Machine Learning Explainability | Stanford
- Machine Learning with Graphs | Stanford
- Fairness in Machine Learning | MIT
- MLOps | Pragmatic AI Labs
- Cluster Analysis | TU Dortmund
- Outlier Detection | TU Dortmund
- Evaluating Machine Learning Models and Their Diagnostic Value | Gael Varoquaux
- Machine learning in Python with scikit-learn | Gael Varoquaux | Inria
- Anomaly Detection | Aric LaBarr
- Bayesian Data Analysis
- Bayesian Evidential Learning
- Model Development | Dimitri Bianco
- Pitfalls
- Machine Learning for Engineers
- Machine Learning with R | Equitable Equations
- Modern Anomaly & Novelty Detection | LLMs Explained