Logistic Regression¶
Logistic regression minimizes the cross-entropy error
Uses Sigmoid Function and binary cross-entropy loss
Decision of such a discriminant function is always singly-connected and convex. $$ \begin{aligned} p(y=k) &= \dfrac{ \exp(\beta_k x) }{ \sum_k^K \exp(\beta_k x) } \ \beta_0 &= 0, \beta_1 = 1 \ \implies p(y=1) &= \dfrac{ e^{x} }{ 1 + e^{\beta x} } \ p(y=0) &= \dfrac{ 1 }{ 1 + e^{\beta x} } \ \implies \ln \dfrac{P(y=j)}{P(y=k)} &= (\beta_j-\beta_k)' X \end{aligned} $$
$$ \begin{aligned} \hat \beta &= \arg \max_\beta L(\beta) \
&= \arg \min_\beta -\log L(\beta) &= \sum_{i=1}^n \ln P(y_i \vert x_i; \beta) \ -\log L(\beta) &= \sum_{i=1}^n y_i \log \sigma (x_i' \beta) + (1-y_i) \log(1- \sigma(x_i' \beta)) \end{aligned} $$
Logistic regression assumes that the log odds is a linear function
We need to choose class \(0\) to be the reference level, and normalize \(\beta_0=0\)
Meaning: \(\exp( \beta x')\) is the probability of \(y=1\) relative to \(y=0\)
- Decision boundary dependent on order of training data in mini-batches
- Suboptimal decision boundary: Does not give maximum-margin decision boundary
- \(c =\) relative cost of FN wrt FP (misclassifying \(y=1\) wrt \(y=0\))
- \(c =\) usually 1
- \(p_0, p_1 =\) thresholds
- \(p_0, p_1\) are commonly taken as 0.5
Softmax function = generalized logistic function for multi-class
Linear decision boundary $$ \begin{aligned} p(y=j) &= \dfrac{\exp(\beta_j x)}{\sum_k^K \exp(\beta_k x) } \ \ \ln \dfrac{P(y=j)}{P(y=k)} &= (\beta_j-\beta_k)' X \ \implies \ln \dfrac{P(y=j)}{P(y=k)} &= (\beta_j)' X & (\beta_k = 0) \end{aligned} $$ where \(K\) = number of classes
We need to choose one class \(k\) to be the reference level, and normalize \(\beta_k=0\)
Meaning: \(\exp( \beta_j x')\) is the probability of \(y=j\) relative to \(y=k\)
Decision Boundary¶
Decision boundary is obtained by solving for \(P(y=k_i) = P(y=k_j)\)
The decision boundary between 2 classes does not depend on another class
Class Share¶
Consider alternative \(j\) $$ \begin{aligned} P(y_i=j) &= \int P(y_i=j \vert x_i) f(x_i) \cdot d x_i \ & \approx \dfrac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n P(y_i=j \vert x_i) \end{aligned} $$
We can average individual conditional choice probabilities to get an estimate of the class share of each alternative in the population.
Counterfactual Analysis¶
Logistic regression assumes IIA, hence does not take into account similarity of classes for evaluating class share when there is a class is added/dropped
This assumption is fine for in-sample prediction, but inappropriate for counterfactual analysis
Probabilistic Regression¶
OLS vs Logistic¶
OLS is not appropriate for classification
- OLS is not probabilistic, as it’s range can be outside \([0, 1]\)
- OLS assumes \(\sigma^2_{y \vert x} = \sigma^2\), but \(\sigma^2_{y \vert x} = p(1-p)\) in true Bernoulli distribution and hence is not constant
- OLS tries to find \(\hat y_i\) close to \(y_i\), even though we just need \(y_i = (\hat y > 0.5)\)
- OLS is sensitive to outliers, due to large deviation and high cost function
- OLS penalizes cases where \(y_i=1\) and \(\hat y>1\), ie it penalizes predictions that are “too correct”
- OLS penalizes observations with large positive margins and hence is not a suitable loss function for classification
- Classes can be masked by others, especially when no of classes is large and no of predictors is small
- OLS estimates normal linear model, but classification has a distribution very different from Gaussian
- Decision boundaries produced by linear regression between 1 and 2 and between 2 and 3 are the same, so we would never predict class 2
Don’t think of logistic/softmax regression as linear regression followed by logistic/softmax function
Think of the logistic/softmax function embedded in the loss function itself
Regularization __ of probabilistic boundary - Increases width - Changes orientation - Changes position
\(c = \dfrac{1}{\alpha}\)