\(k\) Nearest Neighbor¶
represents each record as a datapoint with \(m\) dimensional space, where \(m\) is the number of attributes
Similarity-based, non-parametric
Assumes that underlying relationship b/w \(x\) and \(y\) is continuous
- Set of labelled records
- Normalized Proximity/Distance metric
- Min-Max normalization
- \(Z\)-normalization
- Odd value of \(k\)
Choosing \(k\)¶
Similar to bias-variance tradeoff $$ \begin{aligned} \text{Flexibility} &\propto \dfrac{1}{k} \
\implies \text{Bias} &\propto k \ \text{Variance} &\propto \dfrac{1}{k} \end{aligned} $$
- For K = 1, the training error rate is 0. Bias is low and variance is high
- As K inc, model becomes less flexible and produces a linear-like decision boundary, with lower variance and higher bias
Class label is the majority label of \(k\) nearest neighbors
- Compute distance between test record and all train records
- Identify \(k\) neighbors of test records (Low distance=high similarity)
- Use majority voiting to find the class label of test sample
Choosing Value of \(k\)¶
\(k\) | Problems |
too small | Overfitting Susceptible to noise |
too large | Underfitting Susceptible to far-off points |
- Use a test set
- Let \(k = 3\)
- Record error rate of classifier/accuracy
- \(k = k+2\)
- Repeat steps 3 and 4, until value of \(k\) for which
- error is min
- accuracy is maximum
KNN can be used for regression as well
Predicted value will be the average of the continuous labels of \(k\)-nearest neighbors
Distance-Weighted KNN Classifier¶
Closer points are given larger weights for the majority voting scheme
KNN CLassifier¶
\(k\)-nearest neighbor
- Pick a value of \(k\)
- Calculate distance between unknown item from all other items
- Seect \(k\) observations in the training data are nearest to the unknown data point
- Predict the response of the unknown data point using the most popular response value from \(k\) nearest neighbors
Lazy Learning: It does not build models explicitly KNN builds a model for each test element
Value of \(k\)¶
\(k\) too Small | \(k\) too Large | |
Sensitive to noise | Neighborhood includes points from other classes |
- Manhattan distance
- Euclidian distance
- Makowski distance
Refer to data mining distances
- No training period
- Easy to implement
- NEw data can be added any time
- Multi-class, not just binary classification
- We have to calculate the distance for all testing dataset, wrt all records of the training dataset
- Does not work well with large dataset
- Does not work well with high dimensional dataset
- Sensitive to noisy and mssing data
- Attributes need to scaled to prevent distance measures from being dominated by one of the attributes