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\(k\) Nearest Neighbor

represents each record as a datapoint with \(m\) dimensional space, where \(m\) is the number of attributes

Similarity-based, non-parametric

Assumes that underlying relationship b/w \(x\) and \(y\) is continuous


  • Set of labelled records
  • Normalized Proximity/Distance metric
  • Min-Max normalization
  • \(Z\)-normalization
  • Odd value of \(k\)

Choosing \(k\)

Similar to bias-variance tradeoff $$ \begin{aligned} \text{Flexibility} &\propto \dfrac{1}{k} \

\implies \text{Bias} &\propto k \ \text{Variance} &\propto \dfrac{1}{k} \end{aligned} $$

  • For K = 1, the training error rate is 0. Bias is low and variance is high
  • As K inc, model becomes less flexible and produces a linear-like decision boundary, with lower variance and higher bias




Class label is the majority label of \(k\) nearest neighbors



  • Compute distance between test record and all train records
  • Identify \(k\) neighbors of test records (Low distance=high similarity)
  • Use majority voiting to find the class label of test sample

Choosing Value of \(k\)

\(k\) Problems
too small Overfitting
Susceptible to noise
too large Underfitting
Susceptible to far-off points
  1. Use a test set
  2. Let \(k = 3\)
  3. Record error rate of classifier/accuracy
  4. \(k = k+2\)
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, until value of \(k\) for which
  6. error is min
  7. accuracy is maximum


KNN can be used for regression as well

Predicted value will be the average of the continuous labels of \(k\)-nearest neighbors

Distance-Weighted KNN Classifier

Closer points are given larger weights for the majority voting scheme

KNN CLassifier

\(k\)-nearest neighbor

  • Pick a value of \(k\)
  • Calculate distance between unknown item from all other items
  • Seect \(k\) observations in the training data are nearest to the unknown data point
  • Predict the response of the unknown data point using the most popular response value from \(k\) nearest neighbors

Lazy Learning: It does not build models explicitly KNN builds a model for each test element

Value of \(k\)

\(k\) too Small \(k\) too Large
Sensitive to noise Neighborhood includes points from other classes


  • Manhattan distance
  • Euclidian distance
  • Makowski distance

Refer to data mining distances


  • No training period
  • Easy to implement
  • NEw data can be added any time
  • Multi-class, not just binary classification


  • We have to calculate the distance for all testing dataset, wrt all records of the training dataset
  • Does not work well with large dataset
  • Does not work well with high dimensional dataset
  • Sensitive to noisy and mssing data
  • Attributes need to scaled to prevent distance measures from being dominated by one of the attributes
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
