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DNN Computations

Computational View

Aspect Questions
Memory Parameters Size
Does it fit on-chip
How long does it take to load from off-chip
Can I overlap loading with computation
Is there re-use of loaded parameters
Activation Size
Does it fit on-chip
How long does it need to be on-chip
Compute MACs
What is the available parallelism in each layer?
Does it fit the HW?
Can I overlap compute with memory access
Data dependencies Which (parts of) tensors need to be ready before starting to process a layer

Operation in an epoch

Bottleneck operation Compute utilization ratio Memory utilization ratio
Forward pass Multiplication
Backward pass Multiplication 2x of forward pass 1x of forward pass
Gradient update Subtraction

I/O-Bound vs CPU-Bound

Memory-Bound vs Compute-Bound

  • Does it take more time to do computation or fetch data from memory
  • Depends on factors
  • Memory bandwidth
  • Compute speed/parallelism
  • Size of operands
  • Size of (intermediate) result
  • On-Chip buffering resources
Memory-Bound Compute-Bound
image-20240416000628306 image-20240416000743523
Parameters to fetch Many Few
Stalls other Compute Memory

Even if you have the best __, it won’t make a difference
GPU RAM, hard drive
Not concerning ❌ ✅
IDK Unnecessarily over-optimized memory controller



DNN “fit” on a processor: DNN’s parameters and activations fit on the processor’s external memory

Why do GPUs have smaller external memories, ie why is VRAM smaller than RAM? Because VRAM is much faster, and hence more expensive

Model Checkpointing

  • General: Store all activations from forward pass, to use during backward pass
  • Checkpointing: skips some of those activations and recalculate on the fly during backward pass

Implication: less memory usage, but more computation

Common DNN Layers

Type of bound Compute complexity
Memory complexity
(No of parameters)
Convolution Compute \(k \times 2 \times rs \times w h \times c\) \(k \times rs \times c\)
Depth-wise convolution Compute \(k \times 2 \times rs \times w h\) \(k \times rs\)
Linear/Fully-Connected Memory \(k\)
Batched Linear Equal \(k\)
Pooling Equal \(O(1)\) \(O(1)\) Can reuse hardware for convolutions with max/avg filter
Normalization Equal \(O(1)\) \(O(1)\) Batch-norm becomes a simple scale+shift operation during inference
Activation Functions Equal \(O(1)\) \(O(1)\) AF that cannot be compute in-place would need gradients to be computed before & after the AF
Some AF have parameters
\(w\) Input width
\(h\) Input height
\(c\) No of input channels
\(s\) Filter width
\(r\) Filter height
\(k\) No of filters in convolution
No of weight tensors
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir, web-flow
