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Neural Architecture Search

  • Number of layers
  • Operation at each layer
  • Hyper-parameters of each operation
  • Topology & connectivity


  • Minimize: Loss/Accuracy
  • Minimize: Time taken to train
  • Minimize: Latency

Search Space

  • Operation types \(o\)
  • Number of layers \(n\)

Total number of possible DNNs \(= o^d\)

Training Techniques

  • Full training
  • Proxy instead of training
  • Parameter sharing


  • Random search
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Genetic algorithms
  • Prediction-based search
  • Differential architecture search

Reinforcement Learning

flowchart LR
c["Controller<br>DNN"] --->
|Sample arhicterue A<br>with prob p| t["Train child network<br>with architecture A<br>to obtain accuracy R"] --->
|Compute gradient of p<br>and scale it by R<br>to update controller| c

Policy gradient algorithm

  • Function parameterized with parameters \(\theta\): DNN
  • Action: DNN architecture parameters
  • State space: All set of possible DNNs in search space
  • Reward to update \(\theta\): Objective (accuracy)

We donโ€™t need exact accuracy of architecture; just need the relative rankings of different architectures

  1. Train predictor on \(T\) DNNs
  2. Use predictor to sort \(N\) models, where \(N >> T\)



Optimize architecture parameters \(\alpha\) during training, then keep operations with largest \(\alpha\)

  • Bi-level optimization


NAS Efficiency

  • More efficient search algorithm
  • Smaller search space
  • Inexpensive accuracy proxy rather than training

Cell-based NAS

\(c\) cells, \(o\) ops per cell, each op has \(k\) choices

Search Space
Micro Search for a โ€œcellโ€
Place the same cell everywhere
Macro Search for each cell independently \(k^{o^c}\)


Parameter Sharing

Use trained parameters from previous sample

1000x faster than conventional NAS

Inspired by Transfer Learning

Training Proxies

Instead of training to convergence to evaluate each model, estimate accuracy by reducing

  • Number of epochs
  • Subsample training set
  • Lower data resolution
  • Downscale model being evaluated

Hardware-aware NAS

Customize DNN architecture for specific device

  • Hard constraint: Reject models slower than target
  • Soft constraint: Weighted sum of accuracy & latency

Latency evaluation

  • Run inference on target device
  • Estimation
  • Graph neural networks
  • No of parameters
  • Use FLOPs

Codesign NAS

Add hardware search space

Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
