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07 Intermediate Code Generation

Ideally the details of source language are confined to the front end and the details of target machines to the back end.


Why IC?

Rather than creating a compiler for every language to translate code for every machine arch, we create a compiler for every language to translate code to IC; this IC is then translated for the machine arch.

This reduces complexity from \((m \times n) \to (m+n)\), where \(m\) and \(n\) are number of prog languages and machine arch respectively.

Properties of IC

  • easy to produce

  • easy to translate into target machine code

  • Three-address code (TAC)

consisting of sequence of assembly-like three-operand instructions of the form \(x = y \text{ op } z\)

  • Postfix notation

Abstract Syntax Tree

Binary tree where

  • Leaves represent operands
  • Non-terminals represent operators

Eg: \(a+a*(b-c) +(b-c)*d\)


Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

AST where all subexpressions of an expression (even repeated subexpressions) occur only once.

This helps the compiler generate more efficient code.

Eg: \(a+a*(b-c)+(b-c)*d\)


Eg: \(i=i+10\)


Steps for tree representation

  1. Check whether an identical node already exists
  2. If yes, the existing node is returned
  3. If no, create a new node and return it
// for a+a*(b-c)+(b-c)*d

p1  = Leaf (id, entry-a)
p2  = Leaf (id, entry-a) = p1
p3  = Leaf (id, entry- b)
p4  = Leaf (id, entry-c)
P5  = Node ('-', p3, p4)
p6  = Node ('*', p1, p5)
p7  = Node ( '+' p1, p6 )
p8  = Leaf (id, entry-b) = p3
p9  = Leaf (id, entry-c) = p4
p10 = Node ('-', p3, p4) = p5
p11 = Leaf (id, entry-d)
p12 = Node ('*', p5 ,p11)
p13 = Node ('+',p7,p12)

Steps for array representation

  • Search the array for a node M with label op, left child l , and right child r.
  • If there is such a node, return the value number of M.
  • If not, create in the array a new node N with label op, left child l, and right child r, and return its value number.

We refer to nodes by giving the integer index/value number of the record for that node within the array.

Three Address Code

Linearized representation of syntax tree/DAG in which explicit names correspond to internal nodes of the graph


Arithmetic Expressions

  • 1 operand on LHS
  • = if required
  • \(\le 1\) operation on RHS
  • \(\le 2\) operands on RHS


  • goto L
  • if x goto L
  • if x <relop> y goto L


  • param x
  • call p
  • y = call p
  • return y


  • x = y[i]
  • x[i] = y
  • x = &y
  • x = *y
  • *x = y

eg: \(x+y*z\)

t1 = y * z
t2 = x + t1

eg: idk

double a[10];
do i = i+1;
while (a[i] < v);
// using symbolic labels
L:  t1 = i + 1
        i = t1
        t2 = i * 8
        t3 = a[t2]
        if t3 < v goto L

// or

// using position numbers

100: t1 = i+1
101: i  = t1
102: t2 = i*8
103: t3 = a[t2]
104: if t3<v goto 100

Types of Three Address Codes

Fields Notes
Quadruples op, arg1, arg2, result unary operators don’t have arg2
for assignment, op is =
param does not have args2 and result
Jumps put target label in result
Triples op, arg1, arg2 We assume that result is stored in the corresponding index
Indirect Triples Triples + List of pointers to triples

A benefit of quadruples and indirect triples over triples can be seen in an optimizing compiler, where instructions are often moved around.



Indirect Triples

Translations: Arrays


BA Base Address
W Size of Element
\(R\) Total number of rows
\(C\) Total number of cols
\(L_r\) Row starting index
\(L_c\) Col starting index
\(i\) Row index
\(j\) Col index
1D \(\text{BA} + W*(i-L_r)\)
2D \(\text{BA} + W*[(i-L_r)*C + (j-L_c)]\)

c + a[i][j] for int a[4][3];


a = b[i] + c[i]


Correction: Row 6 for triple should be + (2) (5)

a[i] = b * c + b * d


Flow Control

The translation of statements such as if-else- statements and while-statements is tied to the translation of boolean expressions

Boolean expressions

  • alter flow of control
  • compute logical values


while(a<b) {
    ifFalse a < b L2 t1 = a + b
    c = t1
    t2 = a + 1
    a = t2
    goto L1
op arg1 arg2 result
1 < a b t1
2 iff
(if false)
t1 - L2
3 + a b t2
4 = t2 - c
5 + a 1 t3
6 = t3 a
7 goto L1


sum = 0
for(i=0; i< n; i++)
    sum = sum + i;
sum = 0
i = 0
  ifFalse i < n L2
  t1 = sum + i
  sum = t1
goto L1 L2:
op arg1 arg2 Result
0 = 0 sum
1 = 0 i
3 < i n t1
4 iff t1 - L2
5 + sum i t2
6 = t2 sum
7 goto L1

Basic Blows & Flow Graphs


Last Updated: 2023-01-25 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
