05 CPU Scheduling
CPU Scheduling¶
Note that in this course, we are neglecting the effect of context switch. In reality, context switch time is around \(5 \micro s\)
- Wait \(\to\) Ready
- Higher priority process enters Ready Queue
- Current Process in the CPU goes to wait state
- Current process terminates
- Current process is timed-out
flowchart LR
New -->
Ready -->
Running -->
Running -->
Waiting -->
Pre-Emptive Scheduling¶
Re-evaluate the schedule every time a new process enters the ready queue.
Usually you evaluate the schedule every time a process completes its quanta(will be explained below)/or completely executes
Gives control of CPU to the process selected by CPU-Scheduler
- Context Switch
- Switch to the user mode
- Jumping to correct location of user program’s for restarting it
Dispatch Latency¶
Time between stopping one process and starting another process, including context switch time
Sheduling Criteria¶
Criteria | Goal is to max/min? |
CPU Utilization Amount of time CPU is used | \(\uparrow\) |
Throughput | \(\uparrow\) |
Response Time | \(\downarrow\) |
Time | Meaning | Formula |
Arrival Time | Time at which process arrived (duh) | |
Burst Time | Duration of CPU execution required for a process | |
End Time/ Completion Time | Time at which process has completed entire execution (not duration) 💡 Tip for questions - Find the latest instance of the process in the Gantt chart - That end time is the end time of the process | |
Turnaround Time | Duration to complete execution, ie time between job submitted and final result obtained - Waiting time to enter memory - Waiting time in ready queue - Time to execute - Time to perform I/O operations | EndTime - ArrivalTime |
Wait Time (to be minized) | Duration spent waiting for complete execution | TurnAroundTime - BurstTime |
Average Wait Time | Avg of wait times of all processes We can reduce this by shifting the more time-consuming processes to later |
CPU Scheduling Algorithms¶
Ready Queue = FIFO Queue
- Non-interactive
- Not applicable for time-sharing systems
- Non-Preemptive Scheduling
- High average waiting time
- Convey effect? Many times resources are idle
- I/O devices
Shortest Job First
Pick the process with the lowest CPU remaining burst time (at the moment of scheduling)
**Preemptive **(SRTF) Shortest remaining time first (makes sense for partially-executed programs)
- Reschedule every time a new task enters ready queue
- Only prioritize once a process is completed
Priority Scheduling¶
Processes are scheduled based on a priority number alone (Burst time not involved in the scheduling calculation)
Priority number is assigned to every process, which is an integer value within a fixed range
- Some implementations take \(0\) as highest priority
- Some implementations take \(0\) as low priority
In this course, smallest number \(=\) highest priority, unless specified otherwise.
Equal priority processes are scheduled in FCFS order
- Preemptive
- Non-Preemptive
In our questions, it will be given.
However, in real world, it is based on
flowchart TB
s((Start)) -->
Internal & External
Internal -->
Resources -->
c[CPU Time] & o[Open File] & Memory
External -->
Importance & f["Funds<br>(Payment for Cloud-Computing)"]
❌ Starvation¶
Low priority processes may never execute
Solution: Aging¶
Increase the priority of processes, as time progresses
Round Robin¶
Basically pre-emptive FCFS
Used in Time Sharing systems
Also called as ‘Fair-Share Scheduling’
CPU Time is divided into small units, called as time slice/quanta
Ready Queue is actually a circular queue
- Scheduler runs
- Picks process at the
of the queue - Dispatcher runs
- Timer is set (equal to time quanta)
- Timer interrupt (time-out/time quanta expires)
- Process moves to the
of the queue Head
pointer now points to the next process
If there are \(n\) processes in the ready queue and the time quantum is \(q\), the each process gets \(\frac{1}{n}\) of the CPU time in chunks of atmost \(q\) time units at once.
No process waits more than \((n-1) q\) time units
- ❌ Higher average waiting time than SJF
- ✅ Lower response time than SJF
Value of \(q\)¶
We need to choose \(q\) in a reasonable way
\(q\) | Behaves like | Solution |
Too large | FCFS | Dec \(q\) |
Too small | too many context switches | Inc \(q\) \(q\) must be large with respect to context switch time otherwise overhead is too high; more time will be spent on context switching rather than actual execution |
Assume time quantum is 20ms, and all the processes arrive at time 0.
Process | Burst Time | Turn-Around Time | WT |
\(P_1\) | \(53\) | 134 | 81 |
\(P_2\) | \(17\) | 37 | 20 |
\(P_3\) | \(68\) | 162 | 94 |
\(P_4\) | \(24\) | 121 | 97 |
Avg \(\to\) | 113.5 | 73 |
dateFormat x
axisFormat %L
title CPU
P1: 0, 20
P2: 20, 37
P3: 37, 57
P4: 57, 77
P1: 77, 97
P3: 97, 117
P4: 117, 121
P1: 121, 134
P3: 134, 162
Multi-Level Queuing¶
- Maintain one ready queue for each type of process
Process are usually classified into different types, using one of the following methods
Method 1
foreground process
- interactive
require quick response time
background process
batch process
Method 2
Real-Time Process
System Process
Interactive Process
Batch Process
- Assign fixed priorities to each queue
- Apply an appropriate within-queue scheduling algo
- Apply an appropriate between-queue scheduling algo
- Fixed-priority pre-emptive scheduling
- Entry of a new process into a higher priority queue will cause pre-emption
- The higher priority ones have short burst time, so no need to worry about user delay
- Low-priority queues do not execute unless higher priority queues are empty
Hence, there is possibility of starvation of batch processes
Time Slice Scheduling
- Round Robin between queues
- Each group is given a certain amount of CPU Time
- For eg
- Real-Time = 40% of CPU Time
- System = 30% of CPU Time
- Interactive = 20% of CPU Time
- Batch = 10% of CPU Time
Multilevel Feedback Queue¶
Move between queues
Kind of pre-emptive scheduling, as process from low priority queue is pre-empted when a process enters any of the high priority queues
Separate processes based on CPU Burst Time
Favors (gives high priority to) I/O-bound and interactive processes
- Small CPU burst time \(\to\) High priority
- Long CPU burst time \(\to\) Low priority
In case of starvaton, process from low priority queue moves to a high priority queue (Aging)
In case of any pre-emption, the round robin timer won’t reset
- For eg, if a process in \(Q_1\) has executed for 4ms out of 8ms time quanta, and it gets pre-empted by a process in \(Q_0\)
- When we get back to \(Q_1\), we continue from 4ms (not reset to 0)
3 Queues
flowchart LR
Start -->
q0[["Q0<br>(q = 8ms)"]] -->
|"Incomplete<br />❌"| q1[["Q1<br />(q = 16 ms)"]] -->
|"Incomplete<br />❌"| q2[["Q2<br />FCFS"]]
q0 & q1 & q2 -->|"Complete<br />✅"| Finish
classDef queue fill: teal, color: orange, font-weight: bold
class q0,q1,q2 queue