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Survival Modelling

Variable studies is the time until an event occurs

Predict when some event will happen

Focus on right-censored data


Always finite time period: start & end time period


Treatment Event knowledge of true survival duration
within time period within time period
within time period within time period
but not noticed
within time period not within time period
within time period Discontinued study
within time period Unexpected event


Challenges to classification

  • Less training data
  • Pessimistic estimates due to choice of window

Challenges to regression

  • Non-gaussian: \(T\) is non-negative; may want long tails
  • If we just naively remove censored events, model will be biased predict lower survival, since the people who got removed due to censoring did not get diabetes (ever/yet)

Notation & Formalization


  • Data
  • \(X=\) features
  • \(t=\) time
  • \(b(t)=\{ 0, 1 \} =\) binary indicator denoting whether time is of censoring/event occurrence
  • \(f(t)=P(t) =\) probability of death at time \(t\)
  • \(S(t) =\) probability of individual surviving beyond time \(t\)
  • \(T_d=\) time of death
\[ \begin{aligned} s(t) &= P(T_d>t) &&= 1-P(T_d<t) \\ &= \int_{t}^\infty f(x) \cdot dx &&= 1-\int_{0}^t f(x) \cdot dx \end{aligned} \]



Kaplan-Meier Estimator

Graphical representation of survival function

  • Non-parametric model
  • Good for unconditional density estimation


  • \(d(t)=\) no of events at time \(t\)
  • \(n(t)=\) no of individuals alive and uncensored at time \(t\)
\[ \hat s_{k-m}(t) = \prod_{k: y(k) \le t} \left( 1-\dfrac{d(k)}{n(k)} \right) \]

Log-Rank Test

Compares the time until and event occurs of 2/more independent samples

“Is there a significant difference between the 2 curves”

Hypothesis test

  • \(H_0:\) identical distribution curves
  • \(H_1:\) different distribution curves

\(p < \alpha \implies\) reject \(H_0\)

Cox Proportional Hazards Model

Identify if there are other parameters that affect the curve



Evaluate model’s ability to predict relative survival times

Equivalent to AUC for binary classification without censoring $$ \hat c = \dfrac{1}{n} \sum_{i: b_i=0} \sum_{j: y_i < y_j} I \Big[ S(\hat y_j \vert X_j) > S(\hat y_i \vert X_i) \Big] $$ image-20240530134221231

Mean-Squared Error for uncensored individuals

Held-out censored likelihood

Binary Classifier

Derive binary classifier from learnt model and check calibration

Last Updated: 2024-05-14 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
